This post was written by: Handskadi

React Code snippets

Lists & Arrays in React: Assign variable to an Array Sorting Array Extracting items: // Start const languages = ['C', 'Python', 'Javascript', 'Php', 'Typescript', 'Kotlin'] languages.sort() const listItems = => <li>{language}</li>) // End Array of Objects: // Start const framworks = [                      {id: 0, name: 'React', tech: 'Frontend'},                     {id: 1, name: 'Angular', tech: 'Frontend'},…

How I Tackled Auto-Generated Files Matching Page URLs in My WordPress Site

Hey there, it's Mohamed KADI, and today I want to share with you a challenge I faced while managing my WordPress site and how I resolved it using a simple yet effective solution. The Problem: Auto-Generated Files with Page URL Names As a web developer, maintaining a WordPress site comes with its set of challenges.…

The Journey of a URL: What Happens When You Type and Press Enter?

Introduction Have you ever wondered about the intricate process that takes place when you type a URL into your browser and hit Enter? The seemingly simple act initiates a complex sequence of events that involves various components of the web stack. In this blog post, we'll explore the journey of a URL, focusing on DNS…

A Beginner’s Guide to Getting System Information on Linux

Commands to get information about your Linux system: uname -a: Displays basic system information. lsb_release -a: Provides details about the Linux distribution. hostname: Shows the system's hostname. cat /etc/os-release: Displays information about the operating system. cat /proc/version: Shows the kernel version. lsblk and df -h: Lists disk and filesystem usage. free -h: Displays memory usage.…

Mastering File Permissions in Linux: A Comprehensive Guide

Understanding file permissions in Linux is crucial for effective system administration. In this guide, we will dive into the intricacies of file permissions and demonstrate how to manage them efficiently. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced user, this article will help you master file permissions in Linux. Exploring File Permissions: Login with user: To…

Mastering VIM: Essential Commands and Features for Efficient Text Editing

Welcome to our code Snippets post on VIM, the powerful text editor. Uncover essential commands, navigation tips, and advanced features to boost your productivity. From mastering command mode to efficient buffer management and precise text selection with visual mode, we've got you covered. Explore window splitting, handling of suspended jobs, executing Linux commands, and optimizing…

Mastering Time Travel in Git: Returning to a Previous Commit with Finesse

Master the art of revisiting past commits with our three essential tips. Learn how to locate the desired commit, navigate your local environment, and efficiently manage branches. Harness the power of Git to streamline your development workflow and maintain control over your project's history. Tips for Going Back to a Previous Commit in Git: Find…

How to Test and Improve Your Email Deliverability with

In the digital age, email deliverability plays a vital role in effective communication. serves as a valuable online tool for evaluating and improving email deliverability. Step 1: Access Open your web browser and go to Step 2: Sending an Email: Find the unique email address provided on the mail test page. Compose…

Mastering Git Repository Initialization: Simplifying the Process to Begin with Your Current Commit

In short, here are the steps to make the current commit the only (initial) commit in a Git repository: Backup your repository: Ensure you have a backup of your repository's current state as the following steps cannot be reverted. Remove all history and configuration: Execute the following commands: Save your <github-uri> by running cat .git/config.…

Vagrant for Developers: Simplify Your Workflow with Essential Commands

In today's fast-paced software development landscape, having a streamlined and efficient development environment is crucial. Enter Vagrant—a powerful tool that enables developers to create and manage portable development environments with ease. In this article, we'll explore the basic commands of Vagrant and how they can simplify your development workflow. Essential Vagrant Commands: Vagrant Status: Use…